
When I first heard that Donald Trump would be a candidate in the presidential elections in 2016 I wasn't worried. That buffoon would only get a few percent of the votes, I thought. But Trump beat his opponents of the Republican Party, and became the presumed nominee. Now I became somewhat scared ; patriots will say that in the land of opportunity anyone can become president, but one might add to that: “no matter how mentally disordered they are”. Millions of clueless supporters will believe everything he says  and follow him, no matter what.


Ordinarily he won't stand a chance on 8 November, but remember what happened with the Brexit referendum: Brexit was one of the most stupid geopolitical proposals ever, and no sane person would vote for it, and yet it happened. So I'm getting seriously worried. Only in a country like the US a madman could be democratically elected president.

Why should I be worried? I'm not a US citizen; I live in faraway Belgium, Europe. But a president like Trump won't only wreck the US, the whole world would suffer. There will be an economic collapse never seen before — much worse than the 1929 krach — and there would be the threat of war in Europe and the US. On several occasions Trump has made it clear that he doesn't object a renewed nuclear proliferation and that he's prepared to deploy nuclear weapons. World War III is not far away.

That's why the madman Trump must be stopped, and I'll try my best to do my bit. Luckily more and more prominent people begin to see the danger as well — including many people from his own party — and begin to repudiate Trump.