
Prominent Republicans rebuke Trump in droves

As more Republicans are mortified by Donald Trump every day, they rebuke their presidential nominee en masse. Here's a list of 109 prominent Republicans who denounce Trump. While in past elections there may have been a solitary defector, this time myriad Republicans and other conservatives are turning their backs to their own candidate.

Susan Collins

US senator, Maine

I will not be voting for Donald Trump for president. … Regrettably, his essential character appears to be fixed, and he seems incapable of change or growth.


Ted Cruz

US senator, Texas

I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father. … Don't stay home in November. Stand and speak and vote your conscience.


Mark Kirk

US senator, Illinois

Given my military experience, Donald Trump does not have the temperament to command our military or our nuclear arsenal.


Lindsey Graham

US senator, South Carolina

I also cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative.


Dean Heller

US senator, Nevada

He did a lot of damage. It’s very difficult for him, as far as I’m concerned, to recover from his previous comments. I’ll give him a chance, but at this point, I have no intentions of voting for him.


Ben Sasse

US senator, Nebraska

I can’t support someone that I don’t think would take the oath of office in good faith.


Carlos Curbelo

US representative, Florida

I think both Donald Trump and Mrs. Clinton are flawed candidates, if you look at the polls the majority of Americans have negative views on both of them. So I am going to wait and see what happens on our side, but I have already said I will not support Mr. Trump. That is not a political decision, that is a moral decision.


Charlie Dent

US representative, Pennslyvania

It's too much. It's a bridge too far.


Bob Dold

US representative, Illinois

For me, I will not support Donald Trump. … Whether it be Mr. Trump’s comments about women, his comments about Muslims, his comments about Latinos, for me it was very personal, his comments about POWs. … for me these comments altogether are not about uniting a country. It’s quite the opposite.


Richard Hanna

US representative, New York

For me, it is not enough to simply denounce his comments: He is unfit to serve our party and cannot lead this country.


Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

US representative, Florida

In this election, I do not support either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.


Adam Kinzinger

US representative, Illinois

Donald Trump is beginning to cross a lot of red lines of the unforgivable in politics. I'm not going to support Hillary, but in America we have the right to skip somebody. That's what it's looking like for me today. I don't see how I get to Donald Trump anymore.


Reid Ribble

US representative, Wisconsin

… people have asked me, "What is it that Trump could do to convince you to vote for him?" and I've said he can't. … I'm not going to compromise a principle for a party. I'm just not going to do it.


Scott Rigell

US representative, Virginia

I’ve always said I will not vote for Donald Trump and I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. I’m going to vote for the Libertarian candidate.


Charlie Baker

Massachusetts governor

The things he said about women and Muslims and religious freedom, I just can’t support.


Larry Hogan

Maryland governor

I guess when I get behind the curtain I’ll have to figure it out. Maybe write someone in. I’m not sure.


Jeb Bush

former Florida governor and 2016 Republican presidential candidate

In November, I will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but I will support principled conservatives at the state and federal levels, just as I have done my entire life.


Mitt Romney

former Massachusetts governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee

And let me put it very plainly. If we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished.


Maria Comella

longtime aide to former Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Donald Trump has been a demagogue this whole time, preying on people's anxieties with loose information and salacious rhetoric, drumming up fear and hatred of the "other."


Tim Miller

former Jeb Bush communications adviser and current communications adviser for the anti-Donald Trump Super PAC Our Principles PAC

I don't know that there’s going to be a lot of support for … a Republicans-for-Hillary thing, which I couldn’t be a part of. So, if there’s a third party [candidate] that people could point towards even if it was a protest vote — yeah, I could see that.


Marc Racicot

former chair of the Republican National Committee and former Montana governor

I can’t believe I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, but I am. This morning, I woke up and told my wife, "Did I really do that?" But I did.


Meg Whitman

Hewlett Packard CEO and former Republican contender for governor of California

To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidacy that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division. Donald Trump’s demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character. … Therefore, I have decided to support Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Ross Douthat

conservative author, blogger, and New York Times columnist

There are many lessons that conservatives need to learn from the rise of Donald Trump. … But for conservatives to support Trump himself, to assist in his election as president of the United States, would be a terrible mistake.


Erick Erickson

conservative radio commentator, Atlanta's Evening News With Erick Erickson

I have become convinced that Donald Trump’s pro-life conversion is a conversion of convenience. Life is the foremost cause in how I vote. Therefore I will not be voting for Donald Trump at all. Ever.


Glenn Beck

conservative radio talk show host

We're talking lesser of two evils in this category i believe we're dealing with darkness so I can't put my name there and my only solace is this is out of our hands.


Bill Kristol

founder and editor of the political magazine the Weekly Standard

I've made my "never Trump" argument to other Republicans. The strongest counter-argument is, oh, you're electing Hillary. I don't think it's correct. I think the nomination of Donald Trump is what is most likely going to elect Hillary.


Norm Coleman

former US senator, Minnesota

I also won't vote for Donald Trump because of who he is. A bigot. A misogynist. A fraud. A bully.


Gordon Humphrey

former US senator, New Hampshire

I am ever more confirmed in my belief that Trump is a sociopath, without a conscience or feelings of guilt, shame or remorse. And he is pathologically insecure, recklessly attacking anyone who does not confirm him as the best there is. … I would only vote for Hillary in the event of a very close contest.


Larry Pressler

former US senator, South Dakota

I can’t believe I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, but I am.


Mel Martinez

former US senator, Florida, and RNC chairman

I would not vote for Trump, clearly. If there is any, any, any other choice, a living, breathing person with a pulse, I would be there.


David Durenberger

former US senator

… send a strong signal to Republican and Independent voters that respected leaders are putting country over political party in this election.


Chris Shays

former US representative, Connecticut

During the 34 years I served as a Republican elected official in Connecticut … I always voted for our Republican candidate for governor and our Republican candidate for president. Always, but not this time.


Vin Weber

former US representative, Minnesota

I won't vote for Trump. I can't imagine I'd remain a Republican if he becomes president.


Bob Inglis

former US representative, South Carolina

It's impossible for me to vote for Donald Trump, of course, because he's just antithetical to everything that I believe as a conservative.


Connie Morella

former US representative, Maryland

Hillary Clinton has the knowledge, the experience, and the commitment to lead our country as president and commander in chief. Unlike her opponent, she will not divide, bully, or dismiss us.


Tom Campbell

former US representative, California

Donald Trump's recent hinting at violence against Hillary Clinton stands apart in an already abysmally low political season. It is sufficient to call on the Republican National Committee to reconsider the formal action of that convention in nominating him.


Mickey Edwards

former US representative, Oklahoma and founding trustee of the Heritage Foundation

I don’t think comparing him to the rise of a Mussolini is unfair. I think there is this bias, this bigotry, this roughing up people who come to his rallies.


Tom Coleman

former US representative, Missouri

We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide," states a letter signed by Coleman and 70 Republicans.


Arne Carlson

former Governor, Minnesota

Hillary Clinton? Oh my God. No human being in history has been more vetted.


William Milliken

former Governor, Michigan

This nation has long prided itself on its abiding commitments to tolerance, civility and equality. … I am saddened and dismayed that the Republican Party this year has nominated a candidate who has repeatedly demonstrated that he does not embrace those ideals.


Christine Todd Whitman

former Governor, New Jersey

While I certainly don't want four more years of another Clinton administration or more years of the Obama administration, I would take that over the kind of damage I think Donald Trump could do to this country, to its reputation, to the people of this country.


Richard Armitage

former deputy secretary of state under George W. Bush

If Donald Trump is the nominee, I would vote for Hillary Clinton. He doesn't appear to be a Republican, he doesn't appear to want to learn about issues. So, I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton.


John Negroponte

former diplomat and top security official under three Republican administrations

Having myself served in numerous diplomatic and national security positions starting in 1960, I am convinced that Secretary Clinton has the leadership qualities that far and away qualify her best to be our next President.


Brent Scowcroft

national security adviser under Republican Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush

I believe Hillary Clinton has the wisdom and experience to lead our country at this critical time.


Paul Wolfowitz

former deputy secretary of defense under President George W. Bush

It's complicated. Trump says that it is precisely we and our policies that are responsible for the mess in Iraq. But I certainly think it's important to speak up and say how unacceptable he is. I'm always more than willing to do that.


Sally Bradshaw

former senior adviser to Jeb Bush

As much as I don't want another four years of [President Barack] Obama's policies, I can't look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump.


Frank Lavin

former political director for President Ronald Reagan

… I will do something that I have not done in 40 years of voting: I will vote for the Democratic nominee for president. The depressing truth of the Republican nominee is that Donald Trump talks a great game but he is the emperor who wears no clothes.


Rudy Fernandez

former special assistant to George W. Bush

Trump fails by any measure that you should use to judge a presidential candidate. Whether it’s political experience, character, vision for the country. He fails. I have many differences with Hillary Clinton positions, but I fear a Trump presidency more than I fear a Clinton presidency.


Hank Paulson

former Treasury secretary under George W. Bush and former CEO of Goldman Sachs

The GOP, in putting Trump at the top of the ticket, is endorsing a brand of populism rooted in ignorance, prejudice, fear and isolationism. … Enough is enough. It’s time to put country before party and say it together: Never Trump. … I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton, with the hope that she can bring Americans together to do the things necessary to strengthen our economy, our environment and our place in the world.


Rosario Marin

former US Treasurer under George W. Bush

… I will stand up for my community against the menace of a tyrannical presidency that does not value the countless contributions of immigrants across its beautiful and bountiful history. I have disagreed with and criticized Hillary Clinton’s positions, but I have come to the conclusion that she would be a far better president than the Republican candidate could ever be.


Carlos Gutierrez

former commerce secretary under George W. Bush and CEO of Kellogg

I'm not thinking about (it as) a Republican, I'm thinking about (it as) a US citizen. I think at some point, you have to put the party aside and say what's best for the country? I don't want to live in a society that I think Donald Trump will create.


Mark Salter

former adviser to Sen. John McCain

Whatever Hillary Clinton’s faults, she’s not ignorant or hateful or a nut. She acts like an adult, and understands the responsibilities of an American president. That might not be a ringing endorsement. But in 2016, the year of Trump’s campaign, it’s more than enough.


Lezlee Westine

former aide to President George W. Bush

Our nation faces a unique set of challenges that require steady and experienced leadership. That is why today I am personally supporting Hillary Clinton. She has the expertise and commitment to American values to grow the economy, create jobs and protect America at home and abroad.


Peter Wehner

former official in the last three Republican administrations

If Mr. Trump heads the Republican Party, it will no longer be a conservative party; it will be an angry, bigoted, populist one. Mr. Trump would represent a dramatic break with and a fundamental assault on the party’s best traditions.


Ken Mehlman

former White House political director and RNC chairman

Leaders don't need to do research to reject Klan support. #NeverTrump


William K. Reilly

former EPA administrator under President George H.W. Bush

Donald Trump has shown a profound ignorance of science and of the public health issues embodied in our environmental laws.


William D. Ruckelshaus

former EPA administrator under President Ronald Reagan

We Republicans should be shocked, outraged even, at the prospect that all this progress, this legacy will be repudiated and rolled back by Donald Trump.


Fred T. Goldberg Jr

former IRS commissioner under President George Bush

… send a strong signal to Republican and Independent voters that respected leaders are putting country over political party in this election.


Robert Tuttle

served in Reagan’s administration and US ambassador to the United Kingdom under George W. Bush

He has made repeated misstatements and inaccurate statements. He has insulted minorities, women, a war hero and Gold Star parents. He is unqualified and unfit to be president. I have never voted for a Democrat but I will vote for Secretary Clinton.



50 former national security officials



(Source: Vox analysis)