

I discovered the stackexchange websites  somewhere in 2010 while I was Googling some problem, I think stackoverflow  was the first site I saw. When I found electronics.stackexchange  (aka “EE.SE”) I became active  there. I was glad to help other people by answering their questions.
Apparently other users appreciated my contributions, and I was the first one to reach 20 000 reputation points (“rep”) in 2011.


As can be seen in the graph I was rather active between April 2012 and October 2012 (the second “burst” in the graph). The 200 rep line is a daily cap; you can't get more than 200 rep in a day from users upvoting your answers. (The reason why I exceeded this 200 cap almost every other day is that you get extra rep for “accepted answers”, and for those the 200 cap doesn't count.)
Anyway, I was doing fine, and in October 2012 I was the first to reach 80 000 rep. But I was spending too much time on the site, and decided to take a step back. Other users also left, like David Kessler (for personal reasons), but unlike David I decided not to delete my account. I mention David in particular because he's an excellent engineer, and many people, including me, felt sorry that he left. Keeping your account helps users to find answers through the account, which unfortunately for David's doesn't work anymore. His answers are still there, but anonymized to “user3624”.

Another great contributor worth mentioning is Olin Lathrop , whom I consider the best engineer on the site. If I have more rep than Olin it's because he came in later, and maybe because I'm better at explaining, not necessarily because my answers show deeper knowledge. I understand that since my leaving last year other new and good users have joined, but I don't know them so I can't comment on them.

Despite being absent since 14 months my old answers keep getting upvotes, which is nice to know, and in December 2013 I was the first to reach the 100 000 mark. Olin is catching up fast, though, so he'll take my first place in the near future. He's definitely worth it.

Several users found my website via my profile on stackexchange, and some have asked me questions about electronic design through my contact form. I don't mind answering these questions, but I can't promise to be able to answer all my mail. In fact I always recommend asking your questions on EE.SE; you get a wider exposure, with the possibility of more useful answers.

I may be back to the site some day, but not in the near future, so don't hold your breath. In the mean time, any kind of constructive feedback is welcome, both about my contributions on EE.SE as about my own site here.




Update 2013-12-30:
Just before the year's end I got my 500th bronze badge! Three fourths of that are for “Nice answers”; answers with at least 10 upvotes. Thanks everybody, it's good to know that my answers are helpful.