
Why Trump is unfit for POTUS

Trump abhors freedom of speech and freedom of the press

The First Amendment to the Constitution of The US:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The president has to guard the Constitution and the rights derived from it. Donald Trump, however, is a bigot who abhors any kind of criticism. He invites his supporters to beat up protesters, throws a person who asks about his tax returns out of a rally  and bans reporters and news stations if they ask hard questions or write critical about him . One can safely expect that this will only worsen once he in the powerful situation of a president. Expect myriad people fired and jailed. Trump will become a dictator. He already announced one of the first things he would do as president is to fire all people appointed by president Obama and replace them with his own people.

Random arrests of citizens are not far away.

Trump is a bigot

People Trump has repudiated include, explicitely or implied, like by ridiculing or insulting them:

The list goes on and on. Trump calls Mexicans rapists, calls women pigs and wants to throw 11 million muslims out of the country. He is a bully. He can't help it, even if he would have wanted it. A president should make the US inclusive, not exclusive. His bigotry makes Donald Trump unfit for the presidency.

Trump is dangerously unprepared

Donald Trump is in politics, but he isn't a politician. He has zero political experience — didn't even ever attend as small as a town counsil — nor diplomatic, economical or military. Absolutely none. It's like letting a third-grader fly airliners. They crash, and that's exactly what will happen to Trump if he would become president. And he would take his passengers — the US — down with him.

Trump: Hillary’s campaign is crazy. I look at her staffing, and I mean she’s got the United States government there.

He even sneers at her focus on putting out so many policy proposals, a longtime tradition for major party nominees.

Trump: She’s got people that sit in cubicles writing policy all day. Nothing’s ever going to happen. It’s just a waste of paper.

The Clinton campaign counts that paper as a point of pride: 73,645 words of policy and counting.

Trump: My voters don’t care and the public doesn’t care. They know you’re going to do a good job once you’re there.

Trump suffers from multiple personality disorders

Would you agree to having someone who is mentally disordered as president? Trump suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and that on itself is enough to disqualify him for the presidency, but he also suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder, aka psychopathy, which is far worse.

Psychopaths don't have a moral compass, nor do they feel empathy or remorse.

Trump is a pathological liar

From this opinion  in the New York Times:

One metric comes from independent fact-checking websites. As of Friday, PolitiFact had found 27 percent of Clinton’s statements that it had looked into were mostly false or worse, compared with 70 percent of Trump’s. It said 2 percent of Clinton’s statements it had reviewed were egregious “pants on fire” lies, compared with 19 percent of Trump’s. So Trump has nine times the share of flat-out lies as Clinton.

Likewise, The Washington Post Fact-Checker has awarded its worst ranking, Four Pinocchios, to 16 percent of Clinton’s statements that it checked and to 64 percent of Trump’s.

“Essentially, Clinton is in the norm for a typical politician,” says Glenn Kessler, who runs Fact-Checker, while Trump “is just off the charts. There’s never been anyone like him, at least in the six years I have been doing this.”

And a bit further:

“The man lies all the time,” says Thomas M. Wells, his former lawyer. Wells recalls being curious that newspaper accounts varied as to the number of rooms in Trump’s apartment in Trump Tower — eight, 16, 20 or 30. So Wells asked him how many rooms were actually in the apartment. “However many they will print,” Trump responded.

Tony Schwartz, the co-writer of his book “The Art of the Deal,” told Jane Mayer of The New Yorker, “Lying is second nature to him.”

The “However many they will print” clearly shows that Trump does not have any sense of reality, and can't tell fact from fiction. You don't want a president who is a pathological liar.